The art of understanding influences … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

A negative event had a positive impact on myself.

Should i be happy?!


A positive event had a negative impact on myself.

Should be unhappy?!


A real estate investor, from Australia ... wrote me ... asking about how we should react on the negative, but also positive influences that have opposite impact on us.

She explained me that in the last 2 years ... lots of people that separated from the partner, came and rent an apartment from her.

20% of her income comes now from this direction ... but this is a type of client which is very volatile.

They come, sign the contract and might stay 1-2 days ... or few months.

You can’t be sure of the dynamic of their relationship ... or make any real prediction ... and even if they sign a contract ... might be irrelevant, cause they might leave anyway if they end up the fight with the partner.

But i am sure that what my friend from Australia is telling me ... is happening all around the world ... but what is really the answer to the question ... how should we see those influences?!

Do we have the right to be happy if a negative event have a positive influences on us ... same as the lady is making money with this type of client?!

Well ... first of all ... the lady does not know those people, so she is not responsible of anything regarding the dynamic of their relationships.

She is just renting houses for those people that are running away from the toxic environment from their own homes.

She is actually offering them support for a shorter or longer period of time ... and as long as new clients are coming to her all the time, there is no need as she to be unhappy cause those people are also leaving when their emotional problems with their partner is solved.

There is a joke regarding the impact theory ... saying that if someone form UK, for example, is making a new business in Singapore ... that certainly will have an impact on a dog or a cat from London or Manchester.

But behind the joke ... there is the whole concept about influences and it’s not that we need to be happy or unhappy about the impact of those energies on us ... but maybe it’s time we understand that life itself is about yin and yang ... the concept of dualism, describing how obviously opposite or contrary forces may actually be complementary, interconnected, and interdependent in the natural world, and how they may give rise to each other as they interrelate to one another.

The real estate investor might actually be happy when a new client is coming to her, without knowing how unhappy is that 


person ... because probably left home, the spouse .... the kids ... but also becomes unhappy when the client just leaves because the problems from the couple disappeared. 

Most probably we should accept in life all what is going on .... and even the fact that we are happy or unhappy ... because of some influences that we might not even understand.

We have the right to feel ... whatever the soul is telling us ... and considering that influences will always exists ... we should not be so worry anyway.

Tre truth about life is that negative is metamorphosed into positive and ... positive is metamorphosed into negative ... but we should embrace all what is going on in life.


Download the book ”My relationship with the devil redefined my life” written by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.


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